April 19, 2022
“I want to come to Canada and start working as soon as possible!” We hear these voices from some of our clients.
You want to start your life in Canada with the simplest paperwork possible and without waiting, don’t you?
Yumi Ueda introduces her recommended Work Permit that can help you start working in Canada quickly and avoid complicated procedures. These types of Work Permits may also lead to becoming permanent residents in the future.
First of all, the basic premise is:
An Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), which many foreign workers must go through to obtain a Work Permit, is a lengthy, time-consuming, and frankly, rather hectic process.
If you can get a Work Permit without going through an LMIA, it’s so much the better!
The following are an LMIA-exempt Work Permit examples. Does any of these apply to you?
Applicable to those between the ages of 18 and 30. As a convenient Open Work Permit that allows you to work for any employer in Canada, there is no reason not to use this limited-time Work Permit while you are young.
This program is for transferring from a foreing company to a Canadian affiliate and working in a managerial or professional position.
By applying at the airport instead of at the Embassy, you can save months of processing time.
If you are intersted in the basics of Intra-company Transferee Work Permit, click here.
Please also read【For transferring between enterprises, a much easier option to a Work Permit is the Canada Intra-Company Transferee Work Permit compared to local hired】
Must have a full-time offer from a Canadian company for an IT position or a unique and specialized job. You may also be eligible if you can contribute to the growth of the Canadian company and if your employer can obtain a recommendation from a Designated Partners.
Click here to visit the IRCC website about Global Talent Stream.
Suppose you are considered to contribute to the economy of a specific province or territory by obtaining a job offer from a Canadian company, and nominated to the province. In that case, you may begin working in Canada before getting permanent residence.
By applying at the airport instead of at the Embassy, you can save several months of processing time.
PGWP allows students who have graduated from eligible Canadian designated learning institutions to obtain an Open Work Permit and gain Canadian work experience.
If you aim for permanent residence through studying abroad, it will be easier to work after graduation when you choose a school that offers a Post Graduate Work Permit.
Spouses of individuals working in Canada or international students may quickly receive an Open Work Permit. Therefore, when comparing your spouse’s permanent residence application scores with yours, assume your spouse is more likely to be accepted. In that case, your spouse’s work history could be used for the permanent residence application in Canada.
Please also read 【I have a Canada Working Holiday (or Post Graduate) Work Permit. Can my spouse apply for an Open Work Permit?】
There are other LMIA-exemption Work Permit depending on the type of your job.
There are many types of Work Permits in Canada. Selecting the correct category of Work Permit is just as important to prepare for working in Canada as simple as possible. In addition, if you want to live in Canada for a long time, you must also consider whether the category you choose will lead to permanent residence.
Let’s lighten the load by choosing the right category for you, and make your way to Canada faster!
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Yumi Ueda, LLB 【Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant】
埼玉県出身。法学部卒業。2003年カナダに移住。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)移民法プログラム修了。カナダの様々な移民コンサルタント・弁護士事務所にて勤務。2007年より、大手法律事務所・Davis LLP(2015年よりDLA Piper LLPに統合)に勤務。2009年、カナダ政府公認移民コンサルンタントの国家試験に合格。2016年に移民コンサルタント事務所、YuPass Canada Immigration Inc.を設立。これまでに個人・企業を含め、世界28か国1,000人以上のビザ取得をサポート。Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants会員。
Originally from Saitama, Japan and immigrated to Canada in 2003. Graduated from the Immigration Practitioner program at University of British Columbia in 2005. Worked at an immigration division of Davis LLP (integrated to the world’s largest law firm DLA Piper) from 2007 to 2016. In 2009, passed the national exam of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), and became a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. Established YuPass Canada Immigration Inc. in 2016. Has experience with assisting over 1,000 customers from 28 countries. Member of Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants.
For company requires an Intra-Company Transferee Work Permit to Canada
For Schools and Educational CentersDoes your customer need a Study Permit?