May 7, 2018
The answer is Yes whether you are living outside Canada or in Canada. There are several ways for you to apply for a Canadian PR without a job offer. I will introduce a federal program, provincial programs and family union program for you to immigrate to Canada possibly without a job offer.
Generally, you will need a full-time employment in Canada in order to apply for a PR. In some cases, candidates can apply for PR without a job offer. Those who can obtain PR without a job offer is younger age, has excellent English and/or French skills and have good qualifications in term of Canadian immigration point of view.
This video explains how the Express Entry work
Federal Skilled Worker -You can apply for permanent residence if you are considered a “Skilled Worker”. You must pass a point system that shows the government whether you will be successful once you immigrate to Canada. You need minimum 67 points for this program.
Federal Skilled Trade program – The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for people who want to become permanent residents, based on being qualified in a Skilled Trade. Without a job offer, you will need to arrange your certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial.
Besides meeting the qualification, you will need to show your intention/connection to reside the province.
Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream
To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following provincialcriteria:
*You must have a valid profile in the Express Entry pool.
Saskatchewan offers a program called International Skilled Worker: Occupation in Demand. Your occupation must be one of the demand occupations in the province. They open the window for candidates a couple of times a year.
Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry Requirements:
The Manitoba Skilled Workers Overseas category is for qualified skilled workers who may be outside of Canada but who can demonstrate a strong connection to the province. Requirements:
You do not need a job offer for a family union program. If your partner, parent, child, grand-child are PR or Canadian citizen, you may immigrate to Canada if they sponsor you.
* Immigration rules and program criteria can change at any time.
Contact us if you have any question or need assessment.
Relevant articles:
Tips to increase success for Canadian PR under marriage or common-law partnership
Outside vs Inside Canada – Sponsorship application
Yumi Ueda, LLB 【Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant】
埼玉県出身。法学部卒業。2003年カナダに移住。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)移民法プログラム修了。カナダの様々な移民コンサルタント・弁護士事務所にて勤務。2007年より、大手法律事務所・Davis LLP(2015年よりDLA Piper LLPに統合)に勤務。2009年、カナダ政府公認移民コンサルンタントの国家試験に合格。2016年に移民コンサルタント事務所、YuPass Canada Immigration Inc.を設立。これまでに個人・企業を含め、世界28か国1,000人以上のビザ取得をサポート。Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants会員。
Originally from Saitama, Japan and immigrated to Canada in 2003. Graduated from the Immigration Practitioner program at University of British Columbia in 2005. Worked at an immigration division of Davis LLP (integrated to the world’s largest law firm DLA Piper) from 2007 to 2016. In 2009, passed the national exam of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), and became a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. Established YuPass Canada Immigration Inc. in 2016. Has experience with assisting over 1,000 customers from 28 countries. Member of Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants.
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