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August 5, 2021

【From the start of a relationship to becoming a Canadian permanent resident – stories of the experiences of 4 couples】(Updated August 5, 2021)

How did people with Canadian partners meet each other, get married, live together, and become permanent residents of Canada? Here are some real-life testimonies of couples who have completed their journey of becoming permanent residents in Canada!

Client A

Meeting and developing a relationship

When Y was working as a waitress in Toronto during her working holiday, J came to the restaurant as a customer. J fell in love with Y at first sight and took her out to the bar after Y’s work. They started dating, but sadly, as Y’s Work Permit was going to expire, she needed to return to Japan (tears).

They kept in touch every day in a long-distance relationship while Y was in Japan.  Then, Y decided to go to school in Montreal, where J lived, although Y was not comfortable with French.

He proposed to her on a beach in Cuba, where they had travelled together.

The wedding took place near Montreal, and also in Japan. The couple and their dog are living happily together in Montreal.

Impressions of the couple

They are a cheerful couple that laughs a lot.

Points for Application

Because they live in Quebec, they needed to apply to Quebec in addition to applying to the country.

Since they both went to Japan while the application was still being processed, I prepared and gave them a Port of Entry letter (with short-term status but with a view to permanent resident) to make it easier for them to come back to Canada.

Client B

Meeting and developing a relationship

Co-workers who worked as dishwashers at a sports bar, talked every day and went home in the same direction. They developed an intimate relationship. Z wanted to have a chance to talk to K, who is Japanese. Z had always been interested in Japanese anime and movies. K’s English improved as K talked more with Z.

Their wedding was held at a church in Etobicoke.  Their goal is to save up to buy a lovely house in the future.

Impressions of the couple

I could see how two people in their twenties were able to go from dating to marriage with a pure heart, regardless of the color of their skin or the judgments of those around them.

Points for Application

Since it was only six months from the start of their relationship to the marriage, I was careful to emphasize to the examiner that their relationship was solid.

Client C

Meeting and developing a relationship

They first met online, and their relationship developed.  After Y returned to Japan from Canada, she continued her relationship with A, exchanging messages and FaceTime while working as a nurse. The wedding took place in Aichi prefecture in Japan, and then Y moved to Canada, where A was living. They are now happily living in a town in the interior of British Columbia with their child born after their marriage.

Impressions of the couple

Ms. Y is a very kind person and is a perfect match for her husband.

Points for Application

Ms. Y had undergone surgery for cervical dysplasia and required regular check-ups. I explained to the immigration office that Ms. Y’s illness did not mean that she was medically unfit to come to Canada, as some health problems may prevent people from coming to Canada. After that, she became pregnant, so we decided to postpone her medical check-up x-rays, which are required to apply for permanent residence. When her permanent resident status was being processed, she gave birth to a cute baby.

Client D

Meeting and developing a relationship

They were seniors and juniors at a hotel in Hong Kong when they started dating.  J, who already had a Canadian citizenship, decided to sponsor M to live together (common-law partner). They talk about cooking with each other most of the time.  After coming to Vancouver, they ran a restaurant together. During the application process, they  got married.

Impressions of the couple

Since both of them were chefs they were good cooks.  The food at their Cantonese restaurant in Vancouver was delicious.

Points for Application

J had been divorced and had two children with his ex-wife, who was a Canadian citizen.  A divorce certificate is not a required document for sponsorship applications. In lieu of a divorce certificate, a separation agreement, a court order regarding custody of children, a signed formal declaration that the marriage has ended and that the person has entered into a common-law relationship, and documents to remove the legally married spouse as beneficiaries of insurance policies or wills as beneficiaries.

Message from Yumi Ueda

Hearing them share their journey , from the beginning of their relationship to their dreams for the future, warms my heart and sometimes moves me to tears. It is a moment when I feel happy to be doing this job because I can support two people who are close to each other to stay together and become permanent residents of Canada.

One thing all overseas married couples have in common is that they travel between two countries. To support the truthfulness of your relationship, include both of your flight reservations, boarding passes, and photos of you travelling with each other in your application.


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