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January 18, 2021

[Top Occupation ranking for permanent residents of Canada! ] (Updated January 18, 2021)

Canada announced its 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan. Canada will target the highest level of immigration in its history.

Over the coming three years, Canada will aim to welcome the following level of new permanent residents in a total of 1.2 million.  This massive volume is the first time since 1913.  

  • 2021: 401,000 immigrants
  • 2022: 411,000 immigrants
  • 2023: 421,000 immigrants

Now that the number of inquiries about permanent residence in Canada is increasing in YuPass Canada, we receive inquires, “Are there any occupations that are advantageous for obtaining permanent residence in Canada?”

Here is the Express Entry Job category ranking 2019 that received an invitation to apply for permanent residence

National Occupational Classification number

2173 Software engineers and designers
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers  
1111 Financial auditors and accountants  
1241 Administrative assistants  
1122 Professional occupations in business management consulting  
1123 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations  
1221 Administrative officers  
4011 University professors and lecturers  
0124 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers  
1112 Financial and investment analysts  
6311 Food service supervisors  
1311 Accounting technicians and bookkeepers  
2132 Mechanical engineers  
2172 Database analysts and data administrators    

Express Entry Year-End Report 2019

If you want to apply for a Work Permit or permanent residence in Canada in the economic class, in most cases, you will need to find an employer in Canada.

If you are going to get a job or study in Canada and if you like IT, Yumi’s recommendation is Information Technology professions.

The reasons for IT:

  • Many PR programs are focusing on IT-related occupations.  IT jobs can lead to permanent residence easier compared to other occupations.
  • Easy to find a job in Canada. AIT job is a high demand in Canada but lack of workforce
  • Many IT jobs are skilled work (explained below).

As our world relies more on information technology, IT jobs are no longer just for technology start-up companies and cable companies.  Every industry, from fast food to fashion, relies on information technology to keep its business running.

IT field offers a variety of jobs, competitive salaries, and a wealth of opportunities.

Of course, it is possible to aim for permanent residence in industries other than IT.  To develop Canada’s economy, the mainstream of permanent residence applications is for those who are engaging in managerial and technical positions. (occupation level 0, A or B under National Occupational Classification).

The following examples are my clients who sought my consultation, so I introduce some of them.

  • Client A:  I want to study at a Canadian school and become a cook/chef in Canada

    Yumi: Cook/chef is considered as a Skilled job, so it is possible to apply for permanent residence.

  • Client B: I want to work at an esthetic / nail salon

    Yumi: Unless you become a manager, it is not considered as a Skilled worker, so there are limitations to choose PR programs. I suggest expanding the option to the Provincial Nominee Program.
  • Client C: I want to work in the travel and hospitality field  

    Yumi: Unless you become a manager, it is not considered as a Skilled worker, so there are limitations in choosing PR programs.  I suggest expanding the options to the Provincial Nominee Program.

  • Client D: Can a doctor/dental/nurse license in my home country be used for permanent residence applications?

    Yumi:  Because you are in a Skilled job, you can use the work experience for the Express Entry.  However,  you need a Canadian license to work in Canada.  Some former nurses work in elderly housing while seeking a nurse’s license.

Then, I can’t apply for permanent residence if I do not have a skilled job?

That’s not the case.

Most of Canada’s permanent residence applications correspond to a skilled job; however, there are options for Low-skilled and Semi-Skilled Workers.   High school graduates could aim for permanent residence if you find the right program.

The general requirements for applying for permanent residence without a skilled job:

  • At least high school graduate
  • If it is the Provincial Nominee Program, you have an intention to live in the province for a long time
  • Has some level of English/French proficiency

There are various programs at the federal and provincial levels for Low-Skill and Semi-Skill Workers to seek permanent residence.   You could apply by having a job offer from a Canadian employer. Please contact YuPass Canada for more information as some provinces offer the chances to limited occupations.

Family class

If you are married to a Canadian or have a Canadian common-law partner, you could apply for permanent residence in Canada in a Family class.  

The bond between the two is of utmost importance, so it does not matter if the applicant has a job or not.

Even if you don’t have a job, you may be able to get permanent residence in Canada if you meet a lovely Canadian partner.


  • If you are going to school from now on, Information Technology is a good one as there are many permanent residence programs for IT and your job is in high demand.

  • Check your job is a Skilled job!

  • There is a way to get permanent residence even if you are not a Skilled worker!

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