June 14, 2023
Lululemon’s efforts to expand employment will now be able to hire foreign nationals under a special LMIA exemption through the British Columbia Immigration Agreement.
The Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is an approval process required for hiring foreign workers in Canada. The LMIA examines the impact on workers in Canada and the balance between supply and demand for employment. Once this is completed and approved, the employer can hire the foreign worker.
The LMIA application process is tedious and not easy. Employers must prove that they are unable to hire Canadian workers by advertising job openings in Canada or conducting a labor market survey. In other words, they must prove that there is a need to hire foreign workers if they do not receive enough applications or cannot find suitable candidates in Canada. This process is time-consuming and expensive.
If you receive a job offer from Lululemon, you will be exempted from this LMIA process, making it easier to obtain a Work Permit.
Lululemon Athletica (a.k.a. Lululemon) is a Canadian-based apparel company offering high-quality yoga and sportswear, founded in 1998 and headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Lululemon features activewear that focuses on a fusion of comfort, functionality, and style. The company’s product line includes yoga pants, leggings, tops, shorts, and accessories. These products are popular not only for sports and fitness activities, but also for everyday casual wear.
The company is well known internationally and is based in Canada with stores around the world. It is recognized as a strong brand in the apparel market, particularly in the activewear and sportswear segments.
To qualify under the agreement, a project must:
We see a desire to protect domestic jobs while welcoming international talent.
Lululemon, headquartered in British Columbia, has employed and continues to employ thousands of Canadians. The LMIA waiver will allow the company to hire more foreign nationals, allowing it to bring in additional international talent in a variety of high-skilled positions.
Lululemon’s job openings have attracted applicants for more than 300 positions from Canada’s west to the east. Even though many workers were laid off due to the effects of the Covid-19, Lululemon has created approximately 9,000 jobs in 2022. Some positions have qualifications that state that applicants must be able to legally work in Canada, but some positions do not specify this or are immigration. Some positions do not specify this or state that immigration assistance is available.
This is a limited time offer, so if you are interested, don’t delay!
Lululemon’s LMIA exemption for significant investment projects will be implemented on February 28, 2023 and expire on April 1, 2026. Lululemon will submit annual reports to the Canadian and British Columbia governments on the outcomes of the agreement, and a formal evaluation will take place at least one year prior to the expiration date.
[by Kazue Maruyama, YuPass Canada Assistant]
Yumi Ueda, LLB 【Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant】
埼玉県出身。法学部卒業。2003年カナダに移住。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)移民法プログラム修了。カナダの様々な移民コンサルタント・弁護士事務所にて勤務。2007年より、大手法律事務所・Davis LLP(2015年よりDLA Piper LLPに統合)に勤務。2009年、カナダ政府公認移民コンサルンタントの国家試験に合格。2016年に移民コンサルタント事務所、YuPass Canada Immigration Inc.を設立。これまでに個人・企業を含め、世界28か国1,000人以上のビザ取得をサポート。Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants会員。
Originally from Saitama, Japan and immigrated to Canada in 2003. Graduated from the Immigration Practitioner program at University of British Columbia in 2005. Worked at an immigration division of Davis LLP (integrated to the world’s largest law firm DLA Piper) from 2007 to 2016. In 2009, passed the national exam of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), and became a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. Established YuPass Canada Immigration Inc. in 2016. Has experience with assisting over 1,000 customers from 28 countries. Member of Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants.
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