June 1, 2022
Express Entry invitations to Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), and Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) applicants will resume in early July.
Express Entry is an online system that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) uses to manage immigration applications from skilled workers. It is based on a point system, and the IRCC gives priority to candidates who have high points and are attractive to Canada for permanent residence. Once you know you are qualified for the Express Entry pool, you can create a profile in the pool and wait to be selected by the IRCC.
Being selected does not mean that you have received permanent residence. It means that you will receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence (ITA).
Once you receive an invitation, you must complete the application for permanent residence within 60 days.
FSWP and FSTP had suspended this Express Entry draw in December 2020 and CEC in September 2021. Many candidates have been waiting for the draw to resume.
Express Entry profiles can be updated to give you more points.
You must complete and register the application within 60 days of starting to create it, or you will have to start over again. In addition, the profile you created will be automatically deleted after 12 months, so you will need to re-create it if you do not receive an invitation by then.
There are three categories of Express Entry. To qualify for the Express Entry pool, you must meet the criteria of at least ONE of three federal economic immigration programs. You may be eligible for more than one program through Express Entry. In that case, you will be invited to apply for one program based on this order:
(NOC 0,A,B is the same as CEC)
If one of the three categories above applies to you and you have an offer, you may be eligible to apply for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). When you receive an invitation from the state, 600 points will be added to your Express Entry points.
After you receive an ITA and collect all the documents, the processing for Permanent Residence takes at least 6 months.
If you are educated, fluent in English, and have managerial or technical experience with a job offer, you may be able to obtain permanent residence in as little as six months.
If you are between 18 and 30 years old and want to gain work experience on a working holiday to lead to permanent residence, it will take at least 18 months. This includes applying for a working holiday, looking for a full-time job that will lead to permanent residence once you arrive in Canada, and working full-time, as well as applying for permanent resident. If you get a job offer from a Canadian company while you’re in your home country, you could get permanent residency in the shortest possible time!
Post-graduates Work Permit allows students who graduate from a Canadian school to gain work experience and lead to permanent resident. The minimum time from applying for a Study Permit to obtaining permanent residence is three years. The key is to choose a school where you can get a job that will lead to permanent resident.
If you have a novel idea and can contribute to Canada by employing Canadians and doing business globally by creating a subsidiary in Canada, or if you can contribute to Canada through cultural or sports activities as a self-employed person or sole proprietor, you may be able to obtain permanent resident. Of course, English is essential.
The cost of applying for permanent resident through Express Entry is $1,365 CAD, although the cost varies depending on the method of obtaining the Work Permit required to work in Canada. Additionally, proof of funds is required to apply for permanent resident and at least $13,200 CAD is needed. There are other fees for medical examinations and biometrics.
You can find out if you are eligible for a program of Express Entry and predict whether you will receive an invitation or not, or how many points you will have, by calculating online, however, you may not have enough points when you fill out your profile. Express Entry profile seems easy, but actually require some tricks and knowledge.
[by Kazue Maruyama, YuPass Assistant]
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Yumi Ueda, LLB 【Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant】
埼玉県出身。法学部卒業。2003年カナダに移住。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)移民法プログラム修了。カナダの様々な移民コンサルタント・弁護士事務所にて勤務。2007年より、大手法律事務所・Davis LLP(2015年よりDLA Piper LLPに統合)に勤務。2009年、カナダ政府公認移民コンサルンタントの国家試験に合格。2016年に移民コンサルタント事務所、YuPass Canada Immigration Inc.を設立。これまでに個人・企業を含め、世界28か国1,000人以上のビザ取得をサポート。Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants会員。
Originally from Saitama, Japan and immigrated to Canada in 2003. Graduated from the Immigration Practitioner program at University of British Columbia in 2005. Worked at an immigration division of Davis LLP (integrated to the world’s largest law firm DLA Piper) from 2007 to 2016. In 2009, passed the national exam of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), and became a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. Established YuPass Canada Immigration Inc. in 2016. Has experience with assisting over 1,000 customers from 28 countries. Member of Canadian Association Of Professional Immigration Consultants.
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