「いつかはカナダ」を形にしよう ~カナダでの仕事、安心してスタート~

「いつかはカナダ」を形にしよう ~カナダでの仕事、安心してスタート~


604-558-3223 (Ext. 802)

Do you think Applying for a Visa/Permit in Canada is not easy?

DIY online support, the smart way of processing applications by learning the basics of the Canadian visa system.

If you find the process for a Canadian Immigration application a headache, then you’ve come to the right place.

Aim your life goal in Canada!
Walking with a Regulated Consultant, you can apply your visa in a safe and smart DIY method

YuPass Canada Immigration Inc. is founded with the aim to deliver first-class service to help our client to come to Canada.
The complicated process made into a straightforward explanation and made it easy once you follow our guidance step-by-step. It helps you take one step forward and head one step closer towards your goal that you wish to achieve in Canada.

Previous experience to assist over 1,000 customers from 28 countries


Regulated Canadian
Immigration Consultant

Yumi Ueda

Our personalized online support service help you understand the whole Canadian Immigration Application process

This video was last updated in 2012

  • Able to correspond with both corporate and individual clients to obtain permits and visas.
  • Flexible to accommodate customers’ time frame, budgets and capabilities.
  • Able to assist you through the Internet who live in places where access to Immigration consultants is limited.
  • Offer expert advice based on 17 years of experiences helping corporate and individual to come to Canada.

Do you have any questions/ concerns about the following?

Do you want to increase your chance of applying
successfully for Permanent Residence visa?

Do you want to prepare an application by yourself and
only wish to ask about parts of it that you don't know?

Are you concern that you don’t have enough time to read
through and understand all the immigration manual?

Do you plan to start a career in Canada on a set date and
would like to be sure to obtain a Work Permit by such time?

I want to proceed with confidence!

Do you find applying for Visa/Permit online
confusing and require additional assistance?

YuPass Canada’s services are chosen for the following reasons

Get your personalized online support! 3 simple steps to successfully obtaining your Canadian Immigration Permit/Visa

Step1Choose the support plan that suites your needs and budget

Your Immigration Consultant will prevent you from falling into any potential catches by offering you the following 3 plans listed below. Please select one of the three.

Consultation (60 minutes)

  • Consultation (60 minutes)

*Feel free to ask any concerns you have regarding the application.

*Many clients have commented that they could see the light at the end of the first consultation.

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Most popular and secure!

  • Online educational support and materials in preparation for your application
  • Consultation
  • Review of all your documents
    Advice on what to do prior to completion of your documents
    Support from when you submit your application to when you received the result
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All done by your Immigration Consultant

  • This course provides full service from your Immigration Consultant
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※You only have to pay the difference if you choose to upgrade

Step2Next, pick a date for an online consultation and receive guidance through email on how to fill your application forms and write your support letters.

Additional bonus included in this Online Educational support covers where to look on the IRCC websites, application forms, how to write your support letters and other detailed explanations are included free of charge. Depending on the Canada Visa category you selected, the application form and the method of applying will differ for Work Permit, Business visitor, Work Holiday visa and Study Permit etc. A straightforward instruction will be sent to you by email with all the most up-to-date information.

Online educational support includes the following contents. (There might be a slight difference depending on the category you apply for)

Step3Secure follow up system

In case you get into an unfortunate scenario in which you've purchased our services and your application gets rejected, you'll receive a free assessment of what might have went wrong. In addition, you'll also be consulted on how you can correct the things that went wrong on your previous application. If your case still qualifies under the Immigration requirements, then leave it all to us. You'll get a 50% rebate on our All done by your Immigration Consultant course package and we will take care of the whole process.

Client Reviews

T.A. さん/日本
Study Permit 再申請

【以前の申請が不成功に終わった後、YuPass Canadaで学生ビザの再申請成功】

この度は、とても嬉しいお知らせをいただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。 ある日突然、人生に関わる岐路に立たされ、本人や家族だけではどうすることも出来なかった状況から、思いのほか短期間で承認という新たな希望をいただけ […]

Y.U.さん/カナダ トロント在住


大学と企業の共同研究案件にて、Work Permitの申請を依頼させていただきました。定められたスケジュールの中、また大学と絡む複雑なビザ案件に対し、関係者と直接コンタクトしてくださるなど終始丁寧にご対応いただきました。 […]

Work Permit


YuPass Canadaさんとは3年以上のお付き合いになります。代表の上田さんには、企業内転勤許可と短期滞在ビザの取得をサポートしていただきました。 彼女は正直で、率直で、決して誤った希望を持たせるようなことはしません […]

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